Notarial Practise

To use certain documents in a jurisdiction outside South-Africa you may be required to have such documents legalised for use in that country. The rational behind this is that individuals, organisations and government authorities want to know that a document or signature is authentic and when a document comes from another country, they may want an international certification. A Notary Public has the authority to authenticate documents.


Drafting and registration of Ante-nuptial Agreements in the Deeds Registries Office


Authentication of documents executed within South Africa for use abroad


Drafting of Notarial documents for registration of Property Rights in the Deeds Registries Office, including Notarial Deeds of Cession of Rights of Exclusive Use Areas, Notarial Deeds of Servitude, Notarial Bonds and Notarial Leases

Drafting of Notarial documentation for registration of Mineral and Mining Rights in Mineral and Petroleum Titles Office

Drafting of Notarial Agreements and Notarial Documentation for use in foreign jurisdiction.


Authentication of SA Academic Credentials for use abroad

Authentication of Company documents for use abroad

Drafting and Authentication of Power of Attorneys

Execution of Mineral and Mining Rights at Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources and lodgment and registration at the Mineral and Petroleum Titles Office